Veille Agricole

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"A bee’s ability to produce the necessary buzz it needs to shake pollen from crops such as potatoes…
"Les six axes de ce nouveau plan, présenté par Stéphane Le Foll le 12 décembre, tient compte des dernières…
"While most of the Dutch, German, Belgian, French and British growers are currently in the middle of…
"John Deere is announcing several new solutions for 2017. For producers looking for additional in-cab…
"The European Union is looking to modernise and simplify the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2020.European…
"StatCan, le service officiel de la statistique canadienne a publié hier les bilans chiffrés de la récolte…
"Brazilian meat processing giant, JBS, has announced that it is planning an initial public offering…
"CropTec 2016 proved particularly timely this year, living up to its reputation as the knowledge exchange…
"Tottori Resource Recycling, a Japanese foamed glass manufacturer through recycling technology, will…